Walk to Remember 2019

By C.A.R.E (other events)

Saturday, October 19 2019 8:00 AM 12:00 PM MST

11th Annual Walk to Remember  5K memorial walk. We walk for the steps they never will. This is a memorial walk and time of rememberance for all our babies who are no longer with us. Pregnancy loss and infant death affects each and every one of us, so come out and show your support for our community and for those you love.

Please note that there will NOT be Tshirts given out this year. There will however be something else special for you. Create your own Tshirts in memory of your angel(s).  If you wish to create a sign to display please feel free.... they will be staked into the ground along the sidewalk- so whatever you want to use is fine.

Registration and check in will be from 8-830 with Memorial Ceremony events occurring first then the walk will conclude the event.